Thursday, September 27, 2007

Training Session on Tuesday, 23 September 2007

Argh. Can't believe I got sick just when things were getting good (and tough, quite apparently). And that also means I've missed two sessions already. Ah, well. I'll just have to make up for it in the holidays, then. And on the plus side, sitting and watching from the sidelines really puts things in a different perspective. So, without further ado, I give you Tuesday's training, as seen by this distant observer.


Training Schedule on Tuesday, 23 September 2007

Beginner's Class
  • Footwork review
  • Fumikomi
    • Fumikomi with men cuts
  • Jogeburi review
    • Note - more focus on keeping shinai in the centre for this session
  • Men-suburi review
    • Normal men cuts
    • Men cuts with fumikomi
  • Naname-buri
    • Maintaining proper kamae when doing naname-buri
    • Doing naname-buri correctly
This is the last beginner class for this term's beginners, which means that everyone will now be practicing on the same timetable (although, technically speaking, they do that already when joining in the senior sessions most of the time).

In between the beginner session and the seniors', a few announcements were made by Marleen-sensei. Of particular note:
  • As the beginner's class has officially ended, a new schedule is in effect. Tuesday sessions will be from 6 to 9 PM, and Saturdays will go from 3 to 6 PM. Everyone's welcome to stay and train or jigeiko afterwards if nobody else comes to use the gym.
  • The next 2-3 weeks sessions will be focusing on men keiko.
  • From this session onwards, the group jumping suburi will be part of the warm-up routine. Whoa. She mentioned that the key to getting through it was maintaining tempo, as changing speed and strength midway only adds fatigue. Hai.
Also, a few words from Robin-senpai concerning equipment. Apparently, seeing people fiddle around with their men-himo when the suit-up order comes is both annoying and frustrating. Therefore, he suggested that the first thing everyone should do after entering the dojo is to arrange their men so that they can put it on quickly and efficiently. After all, nobody wants to keep their motodachi waiting, ne?

Seniors' Session
  • Warm-up
  • Keiko
    • Kirikaeshi (3x)
    • Big men cuts (3x)
      • Focus on keeping proper distance, being ready before making the cut, and maintaining proper kamae all the time.
      • Improve zanshin - turn around faster and draw in breath during the turn so that the next cut can be made as soon as you're ready.
      • Motodachi must actively adjust distance with their partner, and always be ready to receive the cut.
    • 10 continuous big men cuts (3x)
      • Same points as above, only that both partners must act and react faster.
    • Ai-men, three hits (6x)
      • Use small men to ensure both cuts arrive at the same time and at proper maai.
        • For small men, the movement of the shinai should be [forward - cut] rather than [forward - draw back - cut]. Use only 1/6th of the movement made during big men cuts.
    • Challenge - Ai Men (3x)
      • (Not sure how this is a challenge...looked pretty much the same like the one before)
    • Kirikaeshi to finish off.
One last announcement - a big, hearty ganbatte to Terry-senpai, who'll be going off soon to Wellington soon to compete in the competition there. Yeah!


*Sigh*. And it looked like such fun. Oh well. As I said, the upside was that I got to watch, and watch I did. And take notes. It feels different...and a little wrong not to be with everyone else even though I'm in the dojo. Ah well, nothing to be done save recover as soon as possible and probably wait for the fasting month to be over so I can go back to training hard and proper.

Night, all.

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