Monday, July 30, 2007

Welcome, Members of the Waikato Kendo Club!

Well, it took a while but it's up and running. Sorry about it still looking sparse and all, but it should look better when more stuff is posted on.

Generally speaking, this blog is meant to be both a place for members to keep track of training progress, as well as post insights and thoughts on training, kendo, and life. We hope to keep this blog running as a reminder to both current members and those who have moved on, that the club is also a family and home we can (hopefully) come back to.

The reason why I'm publishing the blog here is because Blogspot allows group blogs. Which means we can have more members' insights and thoughts. I'm not sure if there are any other alternatives, but I've been using Blogspot for a while and it's just convenient. If anyone finds or knows a better host with more user-friendly interfaces, let me know.

So, please don't hesitate to join and put up some posts of your own if you've got the time, and see you at training!

Arigatou gozaimashita,
